About us

Hu-Perfectre Educational Foundation is a registered foundation under the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC); Federal Republic of Nigeria.

David Martins

Aims and Objectives

1. To promote education and award scholarship to indigent and non-indigent students.
2. To provide the means, whether by supervision, guidance, teaching or otherwise, through which interested persons may be enable to acquire knowledge and skills in any pursuit, vocation, scholastic concern or field of enquiry whether or not related to formal secondary or tertiary education, or to technical, scientific socio- culture, commercial or secretarial self improvement endeavors.
3. To establish and run educational institution of all descriptions.
4. To do such things or activities which may useful be carried on in conjunction with the aforementioned objectives or the foundation, particularly the ancillary act activities of printing and publishing and the act of dealing in educational equipment seminars and materials or to carry on any activity whatsoever.

Our Mission Statement

“…building architecturally-minded leaders”

What else can we do than to build architecturally-minded leaders? We are in a world where the youth have lost diligence, creativity and perseverance. Nobody wants the hardware. Everybody wants the software, and that mind of the youth is gradually dissipating creativity from the mind of the world.
This is most effective in our country, Nigeria. The youth spend more time getting already-made answers from the internet, rather than providing the answers themselves. The youth spend more time thinking about boyfriend and girlfriend relationship rather than thinking about what life has for them after marriage and the involvement of children. They spend more time thinking about how they can be called by other people’s names, but never thought of how to make their names popular, if they do, it’s in either criminal ways or diabolical means. Irresponsibility is the order of the day.
There is no other way to help eradicate this ignorance and execrable mind of the youth than through training and education.

Hear Us

Our History

Human beings were perfectly created to reflect God’s image. Hu-Perfectre was established by JEHOVAH; the God who perfects, to build architecurally-minded leaders with a drive of actualizing His will for mankind. God said, let’s make man in our own image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” Note: God did not say ‘let them have dominion over man’.

Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” It may interest you to know that Adam gave names to all created beast, “And out of the ground the LORD GOD formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he will call them: and what so ever Adam call every living creature, that was the name thereof.” But the Bible did not tell us according to Genesis, if God named man Adam or if man named himself Adam and then God gave the affirmation. God’s words are inspired. Man represents image, and the name Adam means red sand (out from dust). Rhema has it that: Human means God;”s image. Human = Hu + man = God. Rhema has it that: Hu-Perfectre means God our perfecter. God who perfects. God


Vision & Values

The following are the vision of Hu-Perfectre Educational Foundation:

1. Discovering students (leaders) potentials, creating the right global values and attitudes, making them God fearing role models
2. Creating effective motivation to enhance students’ acquisition of appropriate skills, ability as equipment for them to live in and contribute to the development of their society.

The core values of Hu-Perfectre reflect the kind of lifestyle that we expect from every child under our tutelage. The values are summed up in one word which says invest. The meaning of INVEST as an acronym can be seen below:

Our Teachers

These are the members of the teaching staff.

Robert Akpama

English Language

Monday Owi

Computer Studies

Essien Emmanuel

Music and Skills

Mrs Essien Favour

The Kindergarten

About Us

Mbang Friday

Economics and Website Development

Happy Essien

Painting and Coloring






Satisfied Parents


Years Experience

Popular Skills Courses

Computer Studies

We enhance our leaders with both theoretical and practical computer studies.

Photography and Videography

Our Leaders (Students and Pupils) also go through theoretical and practical Photography and Videography

Website Development

Website development is a growing skill. With this in mind, our students are taught the theory and practical aspects of website development/.

Ankara bags and Shoes

We teach our students and pupils how to make ankara bags and shoes.


These are the events for the remaing part of the term

2nd November at 09:00 am

24 Bestfoods, Destiny Homes, Abijo, Lagos

20 November at 09:00 am

24 Bestfoods, Destiny Homes, Abijo, Lagos

30 November at 09:00 am

24 Bestfoods, Destiny Homes, Abijo, Lagos

Your Future Starts Here.

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