Welcome to our Kindergarten

The Voice of the Future

History of our childcare center.

God almighty is building leaders in Hu-Perfectre Educational Foundation. Our pupils and students are addressed prophetically as LEADERS. Welcome to the KINDERGARTEN world of Hu-Perfectre Educational Foundation. It’s play time! Learning at this stage; is it really all about play? In Hu-Perfectre, learning is never fun. (However, there is time for everything.) Learning in Hu-Perfectre involves a lot of thinking. Great minds do a lot of thinking. Good thinkers will certainly rule their world.
The Kindergarten arm of Hu-Perfectre Educational Foundation is an ideal arm because leaders are put into test that is rarely attainable in a lot of schools. Educational activities are put in place to ensure effective building of the leader’s domains.
 Leaders are divinely and professionally taught to have better mental power (cognitive).
 Leaders are trained to be emotionally perfect towards learning, class mates, and people in the society. They are trained to grow in their feeling (affective).
 Leaders are properly taught to put the knowledge acquired into a physical exercise or skill (psychomotor).
The taxonomy of Dr. Benjamin Bloom of 1956 had been proven correct as leaders go through a high learning process; systematically starting from the simple to the complex.
Before a leader graduates to the Nursery arm, he/she should be able to:

Joyce -2

Children learn to smile from their parents.

Egestas tincidunt urna. Aenean pretium feugiat ante vitae congue. 

What we do.

Number Identification

Identify numbers and all letters of the alphabet when written properly or haphazardly.


Recite the multiplication table from zero to five.

Writing of Numbers

Write numbers from one to at least one hundred plus without a view or tracing.

Writing of Letters

Write all letters of the alphabet without a view or tracing.

General Knowledge

Have some unique information about Nigeria and other countries.
This is amazing! If you feel this aims are not achievable, then, come, test and see.

Sounds (Phonics)

The Leaders in the kindergarten are properly taught how to use their sounds

We’ll handle your child with care!

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