The Influence of Bad Leadership in Nigeria

Influence of Bad Leadership in Nigeria




Bad leadership is a situation where the people in leadership positions fail to do what they are expected to do according to the law or constitution of the community, state, country or an organization. Furthermore, it is when the leaders use their powers negatively thereby creating an un-enjoyably environment where there is a total fall of the standard of living of the citizens. It can also be seen as a situation where the leaders in a country are very corrupt. That is, the leaders involve in bribery, greed, self-centeredness, embezzlement of public funds, etc.


This deals with the effect of a particular situation, action or circumstance. It is the result or outcome of an action or situation.


The following can be considered as the negative effects of bad leadership on the society:

  1. High Cost of Living:

This deals with the prices of materials as well as essential goods. Bad Leadership tends to result in high cost of living. This is because prices of goods, school fees, house rents, transportation, etc. are always on the high side.

The influence of bad leadership

  1. Poor Standard of Living:

The second effect of every leadership is always obvious on the standard of living of the citizens of that environment. When the leadership is bad it reflects on the lives of the individuals under such leadership. Poor standard of living is a result of high cost of living. When the cost of living is high, people find it difficult to provide their daily needs.

  1. Poverty:

Poverty is the state of having no money or little money, or having no goods or little goods or having less than required for survival. It happens when the government fails to maintain affordable economy. That is when the economy is so poor that even the prices of essential goods such as garri, rice, beans, etc. cannot be afforded by the average citizens, the level of poverty increases tremendously.

  1. High Level of Criminal Cases

High cost of living and bad leadership promotes crime. Lack of employment opportunities looms when the leadership is bad. As a result of that, people do anything for survival. It could be armed robbery, 419, using the lives of people to make sacrifices in order to have money, Yahoo plus-as it is now called, kidnapping, drug trafficking, child trafficking etc.

  1. Increase in Death Rate

Bad leadership also results in increase in the number of death per thousand of the population in a year. Increase in death rate is influenced by vices such as armed robbery, poverty, war, struggle for power or position, poor health or medical centers, high level of STDs, etc.

The Fact Is That:

The Effects of bad leadership on the society cannot be over emphasized. We read the crimes perpetrated by bad leaders. We watch on televisions and even witness some of these criminal occurrences. Most of the time, we experience these negative effects of bad leadership on the society ourselves. We see the disunity, lack of trust and honesty, lack of co-operation and the likes taking charge of the society. Do we need a change? The change begins from you.

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